
Balance Recovery Attack

From Iron Realms Nexus Client Documentation

Revision as of 19:05, 25 June 2015 by Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Here is a basic example of a reflex. In this example we create a trigger that automatically attacks a monster, I have previously targeted and attacked, when I recover balanc...")
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Here is a basic example of a reflex.

In this example we create a trigger that automatically attacks a monster, I have previously targeted and attacked, when I recover balance.

First open the setting page and click on the 'Reflexes' tab.


Second, click on the 'Add' Button and select 'Add a Trigger'.

Next, you add the 'Trigger text' you are looking to trigger from. In this case I am using 'You have recovered balance.' In order to better organize your triggers you can create a 'Trigger name'. For this trigger we use the name 'Recover Balance'. The name does not really matter and is just for your purposes. We leave the 'Matching type' as contains.

When the game sends this text, I was to send the command to attack my target. I set the first action to 'Send a command' and then set the command to 'attack @tar'.

@tar is a variable automatically set by the game in this case.

Here is an example.